Bulgarian tribulus Terrestris (45% steroidal saponins) – 500mg Bulgarian tribulus terrestris is one of the oldest and most proven natural testosterone supplements on the planet.
Tribulus terrestris supplements have been shown to reduce cholesterol, improve muscle insulin sensitivity and increase sexual function and libido. Tribulus Improves Hormonal Health In a clinical trial for the journal of Phytomedicine, tribulus supplements raised testosterone levels 52% in primates and 30% in mice.
Tribulus Boosts Libido in Men and Women Researchers found that when men with reduced sex drives supplemented with tribulus terrestris daily for two months, their sexual desire increased by 79% .
Similarly, 67% of women with very low libidos experienced increased sexual desire after they took tribulus supplements for 90 days [2]. Other studies have confirmed that supplements containing tribulus enhance sexual desire, arousal and satisfaction [3]. What to Look For When Buying A Tribulus Supplement There are a few important things to consider when purchasing a tribulus supplement. Dosage – It is recommended to supplement with 500-750mg of tribulus per day. Potency – The ideal potency of a tribulus supplement should be standardized for 45% steroidal saponins. Source – The highest quality tribulus is grown in Bulgaria.
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