ISO Triple Zero Next Generation by Laperva


Weight: Choose an option

5 lbs

Flavour: Choose an option

Gourmet Chocolate
Cafe Lette


is an ultra-premium protein powder with 93.5g protein per 100g serving and includes essential amino acids. It is also an is the only Iso Protein with 0 sugar, 0 carbs, and 0 fat, which makes it a nutritious and multi-functional protein supplement.

Delicious Taste

Iso Triple Zero broke through the whey protein flavor barrier once and for all with the introduction of Iso Triple Zero. Available in Chocolate, Dreamy Vanilla, Juicy Strawberry, Pina colada, Banana Blast, Mango Passion Fruit flavors. Iso Triple Zero is a delicious milkshake and is designed for any individual who wants to supplement daily protein intake to help reach their nutritional and physique goals.


A cardboard vacuum barrier is under the cap of protein tubs that helps hold the powder in place during shipping. This round disk is not for sanitation and is not glued into place, so it can be under the cap or on the top of the tub.


We've made a tweak in our Iso Trible Zero label to show you the amount of protein per scoop not by 100g. So, expect to find the labels saying 25 or 26 mg of protein instead of 93.5g.



Recommended scoop per serving :
* Athlete female / normal male : 1 scoop
* Athlete’s male : 2 scoop
* Professional athletes : 3 scoops

Features and Benefits

Each 100 g Serving of Iso Triple Zero delivers more than 18 g of Branched-Chain Amino Acids to fuel your anabolic processes. the highest BCAA content per 100 g available on the market! For added support, especially during muscle recovery, this formula was strengthened with Glutamine.

The resulting super high-protein product will definitely not only help you build more muscle, but also maintain that hard-earned mass, giving you the tools you need to get stronger every day. In addition to a complete amino acid profile, Iso Triple Zero now provides Creatine Monohydrate, as well as a comprehensive vitamin spectrum. In short, it’s loaded with muscle fuel and true nutrition to take you to the next level and further.


Additional Information

5 lbs


Gourmet Chocolate, Cafe Lette


Suggested Use
Athlete female: 1 scoop
Athlete’s male : 2 scoop
Professional athletes : 3 scoops


Consult your physician before using this product if you have any pre-existing medical condition(s), are taking any medication, planning any medical procedure, contemplating pregnancy, are pregnant or nursing. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.